Ask Reggi Anything: Your Guide to Generative AI Prompts


What is a generative AI prompt? 

A generative AI prompt is a directive or question given to an AI model to produce relevant, customized text-based responses based on specific guidelines, themes, or topics.
Reggi leverages this technology to offer an innovative solution for regulatory compliance, providing accurate textual outputs aligned with regulatory standards and guidelines. For example, when a business seeks clarification on a compliance update, Reggi processes the prompt and generates detailed insights and guidance. This strategic application of generative AI ensures businesses navigate regulatory challenges efficiently and confidently, adhering to required legal frameworks.

How to Write Questions for Reggi

Think of prompts as the address you input into a GPS. The clearer and more specific you are, the quicker and more efficiently you reach your desired knowledge destination.


Get to Know Reggi

Reggi excels in analyzing complex regulations, identifying needed requirements, and addressing general compliance questions.
It's essential to understand areas where Reggi might need more clarity. Familiarize yourself with its nuances to ensure optimal outcomes.

Detail Matters

The more information and context you provide, the more accurate and tailored your answers will be. When framing your questions, consider including specifics like jurisdiction, industry, or historical context.

Experiment with Prompt Types

Reggi responds differently depending on the type of question. Try varying your prompt types to improve results. To see a list of prompt types as well as their examples, read below.

Refinement is Key

If your first prompt doesn’t give you the desired result, it's okay. Refine your question, rephrase, or add more context. And when you hit on a format that works especially well, click the Save icon in the History section at the bottom right of the Reggi screen.

Question Categories

Depending on what you are looking for—a summary, an explanation, or requirements—include the correct command for Reggi, like “summarize”, “explain” or “what are the requirements for X?”.
Used to explain a complex concept, or what all of the steps for complying with a regulation would entail..
“Explain the process for reporting incidents to OSHA in CA”
Use this to outline a specific scenario and identify what steps need to be taken to be in compliance.
“If a company is advertising online for sports betting in Massachusetts, what precautions should they take?”
Used to summarize a given authoritative document.
“Summarize 6.2 VACV Chapter 4, Article 2”
This prompt is particularly useful for prioritizing requirements.
"Rank the sports betting requirements in Colorado in order of severity."
Use this prompt type to extract key information, like Requirements, Exemptions, Penalties, and more.
“What are the requirements for 26 CFR 1.11-1?”
“What are the penalties of noncompliance with 26 CFR 1.11-1?”
“What are the exemptions of 26 CFR 1.11-1?”

Test Your Generative AI Prompt Skills