
Central Banks Unite to Open Doors While Countries Enter into Lockdown

March 20, 2020

Countries are coming together as their Central Banks attack the recession caused by COVID19. Central banks globally are removing regulatory hurdles, easing liquidity and reserve ratios so banks and other payment networks have money available for businesses and consumers. Together, we will overcome the virus and the economic downturn.

  1. Australia - Statement by Governor Philip Lowe
  2. China - PBC Official: Targeted Required Reserve Ratio Cuts to Shore Up the Real Economy
  3. South Korea - Bank of Korea announces 50bp Base Rate cut and measures to stabilize economic and financial conditions
  4. Germany - Central bank interest rates
  5. Italy - ECB Can Front-Load Bond Purchases if Needed: Italy's Visco (English)
  6. Russia - Board of Directors approves temporary regulatory relaxations for banks regarding to application of add-ons to risk weights
  7. Portugal - Press release of Banco de Portugal on the COVID-19 response measures
  8. Spain - Banks and payment institutions will remain open to serve their customers
  9. Japan - Economic Activity, Prices, and Monetary Policy in Japan
  10. United States - Federal Banking Agencies Provide Banks Additional Flexibility to Support Households and Businesses
  11. United Kingdom - HM Treasury and the Bank of England launch a Covid Corporate Financing Facility (CCFF)
  12. Canada - Coordinated Central Bank Action to Enhance the Provision of Global U.S. Dollar Liquidity

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